The Globes were fun - not exciting, but a good time was had by all. There were jokes - George Clooney: "Who would name their child Jack when the last name ends with 'off'?", and mistakes - Issac Mizrahi asked Hilary Swank, whose marriage to Chad Lowe is on hiatus, who she's dating. Quoth Hilary, "I'm working on my marriage, actually." The overall fashion trend seemed to mark the return to black - perhaps the ladies are saving their bird of paradise frocks for the Oscars. Renee, Hilary, Mary-Louise, Sarah Jessica, Natalie, Charlize, all in black.

Damn, Natalie Portman looks great no matter what she does with her hair. Wish I could say the same for Ellen Pompeo, who's bronzed and blonded and curled and apparently wearing a doily-dress. Ack. Sandra Oh won for her work on Grey's Anatomy and couldn't remember anyone's name - an equal opportunity forgetter. Second truly bad fashion moment- Drew Barrymore

- there's no grey area with this girl - in addition to a bad, ivy green dress, she's bra-less and in desperate need of an eyebrow wax. Come on Drew, we know you can pull it off - please do so when you know you're going to be onstage. Geena Davis looks wonderful in general, but I wish she'd take a page from Sophia Loren's less is more book - there are sequins and ruffles and bows, oh my! AND she's a smarty pants, and she knows enough to honor Donald Sutherland. Adrien Brody is rakishly elegant in his black neck-scarf. Sadly, Pamela Andreson's big black scarf ... thing ... at the top of her white dress doesn't distract from ... anything.

It is impossible to dislike Reese Witherspoon, and I still pick her every time over Kirsten Dunst. And now, Mary-Louise Parker is about to snatch the Globe away from all those Desperate Housewives. If you haven't seen Angels in America, see it - I'm not a fan of her dress, but thank god those Housewives got shut out. Ooh, and the opportunity to see her make out with Elizabeth Perkins ... I love love love Emma Thompson - she is beautiful and witty and has it all, but I must say that her dress makes her look ALL chest. And her hair!
I would please, like to be reincarnacted as Kate Beckinsale. Please? I love Colin Firth, I really do, but you need to either make a clean shave (Clooney), foster just enough stubble (Patrick Dempsey), or go for the entire beard (Paul Giamatti - not saying I like it, but it is definitive). Something between just enough stubble and

the entire beard just doesn't work. Colin, get out your razor. Here comes Catherine Deneuve, and Pierce Brosnan knows how to appreciate a beautiful woman. Maria Bello looks SO good. Gwyneth Paltrow gets a by for being pregnant, but she still looks like a meringue. Debra Messing should not weat giant print frocks and should not part her hair in the middle.
I wonder, if 2001/2004 were the years for African American actors and actresses, perhaps 2005 is the year for LGBTQQ material and characters? Just a thought.