Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
"You've got great legs."

- from a conversation last week with The Politician (thankfully back from Iraq intact).
Which leads me to this fantabulous quote:
... he adores her the way short ambitious men adore beautiful women who are taller than they are but tolerate their advances.
In this case, he is Nicolas Sarkozy, and she, bien sur, is his sometimes wife, Cecilia.
[The New Yorker]
Labels: culture, ladies - all the ladies
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Agonizingly Alliterative Archetype

I'm not even going to mention(...) the ridiculous fact that EVERY SINGLE HEADLINE is alliterative ("Fashion's Feistiest Icon" and "Perfect Political Partner" and "Fearless Fashion" AND "Magician of Makeup"? Was there no room for "Piles of Positively Peerless Pants" or "Scads of Seriously Sexy Skirts" or "My Mailman Refuses to Deliver This Because It Weighs More Than Some Babies"? Wait, that last one doesn't have any alliteration. My bad).They also take Anna to task for giving Sienna GP's W magazine brows. Mwahahahaha.
Labels: funnies, la dernière mode
Shuesday: Pretty in pink

And brown. They're calling it chestnut, but that's so J. Crew, with their acorn, graphite, poppy and pine.
This brand is one of the things I miss most without a Nordstrom on The Island.
Labels: shuesday
Monday, August 20, 2007
The (official) end of woman as tent

For the last few seasons, women’s clothing has been in flight from women’s bodies. The tent, the trapeze, the bubble, the baby doll—call these dresses what you will, the dominant shape (if that word is justified) has been one that renders a woman shapeless. Such styles deliberately obscure traditionally eroticized parts of the body, the breasts and hips and waist, managing the bizarre (and, let’s face it, somewhat disturbing) feat of making women appear at once infantile and pregnant. In a sea of nightgowns, art-class smocks, maternity blouses, and Mrs. Roper–style muumuus, we are left with only arms and legs and—according to the New York Times “Styles” section, anyway—the very naughty clavicle. Many women, in some desperate but understandable bid to feel sexy, have taken to wearing their dresses alarmingly short.
But those baffled by volume, those bored by it, those heterosexual and male, should take heart. This fall, women’s clothing and the female body once again get intimate. I’m not talking about the return of eighties-era bodysuits, or tight mohair sweaters with plunging décolletage. Still, silhouettes will be longer, slimmer; clothing will be more structured. Suits, jackets, and trousers have ousted the dress. Waists are visible. Breasts, if not exactly showcased, are at least detectable. Shoulders, absent for some time now, are once again important. Gone is the soft and round and globular (and the layers, ruffles, and Empire waists that often played accompaniment) in favor of the hard-edged and angular. At last, women will ditch the diapers of the baby-doll dress in favor of a sharper, slicker aesthetic.
There is something to be said for fabric that stays away from your body (anytime the temperatures are above 85 degrees), which is why I'm softening my earlier stance on all things flowy, but I never liked the baby-doll, Tinsley-esque look. It's like waxing the Full Monty - there's no need to portray ourselves as infants.
Labels: random musings, shopping
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Love in the 'Oughts
Say it isn't so ...“The key to any relationship is defeat and acceptance,” Ms. Simpson said from a corner banquette where she was stealing quality time with Mr. Newman (...) and his bandmates (The New Pornographers). Ms. Simpson added: “It’s like, O.K., let’s just watch ‘Top Chef.’ ”
“That’s love,” piped in her husband of mere hours. “Wanting the same person to win on a reality show.”
A Beautiful Duet [NYT]
Labels: random musings
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Now that I have your attention

Gothamist wants to know what you think. I'm just glad someone's using their freedom of speech.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Shuesday: Under cover

Really? Did you have to? I know you are the Maestro of all that is Shoe, but camouflage print?
Labels: shuesday
Monday, August 13, 2007
Icons we mourn: Brooke Astor

At night — almost every night, even into her 90s — she could be found surrounded by crystal and caviar, done up in her designer dresses and magnificent jewels, seated to the right of the host. (She was always seated to the right of the host.)
For her forays around the city, she dressed as she did when she joined the ladies who lunch at East Side bistros: a finely tailored suit or a designer dress, a hat in any weather, a cashmere coat when it was cool and, in her last years, an elegant cane, her one apparent concession to age. She always wore a ring of precious stones, a bracelet, a brooch and earrings.
“If I go up to Harlem or down to Sixth Street, and I’m not dressed up or I’m not wearing my jewelry, then the people feel I’m talking down to them,” she said. “People expect to see Mrs. Astor, not some dowdy old lady, and I don’t intend to disappoint them.”

In her 98th year she was still writing articles for Vanity Fair magazine, noting with regret, for example, that gentlemen no longer wore hats and that women no longer flirted, something she said she herself never failed to do.
A widow for 48 years, Mrs. Astor had a number of suitors in that time but did not want to marry again. “I just don’t want anyone tugging at my sleeve at 10 o’clock telling me it’s time to go home,” she once told her friend Marietta Tree. “I want to go at my own speed, and it’s a lot faster than theirs.”
The Astor Court is one of my favourite places in New York.
A unique feature of the Asian galleries is the Astor Court, modeled on a Ming dynasty (1368–1644) scholar's courtyard in the Garden of the Master of the Fishing Nets in Suzhou, a city west of Shanghai famous for its garden architecture. A gift of the Vincent Astor Foundation, the garden court, which opened to the public in 1981, includes an adjoining room for the Museum's collection of Chinese hardwood furniture.
Labels: Icons
Friday, August 10, 2007
GP: what happened?

Go Fug Yourself
Labels: ladies - all the ladies
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Puppy love

But then I started reading this chick's blog, daily, and then bought her book (so good), and now I just want one of these.
Although not enough to leave the a/c on in the apartment all day. So probably should remain puppy-free ... for now.
Although there is Doggy Daycare ... (what kind of dancing, do you think?)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Solidarity, or, when it's ok to eat ice cream for dinner
I awoke to a fantastic thunder and lightning storm at 6 a.m. When I was a summer camp staffer at various levels of responsibility, I loved waking up in my plywood cabin to the crack of thunder and the entire space alight from above. Among the things I missed in my intermezzo on the Worst Coast was weather with chutzpah. And here, we get it in spades. I enjoyed the interplay of light and sound over the Empire State Building for a while, then dozed off until the alarm rang. Then, comme toujours, hit the radio for NPR in my ongoing effort to put my feet on the floor before 8 am. And listened to them off the subway lines, one by one. It was like listening to Dumbledore recount Voldemort's purging of the wizard community - first the R, then the 1, then the 4-5, then the 2-3, then the 6. The W didn't even warrant a mention. My alternate transportation plans kept evaporating, and I am disinclined to experiment with the buses under duress.
I pinged a colleague who's sort of a neighbour (and, despite being a native was one of the blissfully media-in-the-morning-free), who dissuaded me from experimenting with the bus under the circumstances, and we decided to walk.
You heard me.
I donned indestructible clothes, my most comfy flip flops (heels in my handbag), and headed into the heat. Met my friend in Soho, and walked the 4 or so miles down Broadway to Lower Manhattan along with the rest of the people who felt obliged to make a timely effort to get to work today, (and could do so). It was actually fun. We walked and talked and made our way through Tribeca and the Financial District, hitting a Starbucks at a key moment for a/c and a decent breakfast. The walk was hot, although punctuated by surprisingly cool breezes near City Hall, and I wished I'd work shorts and carried work-wear, but we survived.
Regardless of what you may have heard about New Yorkers, on days like today, people made eye contact. They smiled, in spite of the sweat and the heat, and the general discomfort. My partner in crime shouted at one of the stupid double decker tourist buses poking its way along somewhere near Canal Street, "it's not always like this!," to the delight of all. And at work, everyone shared stories of the 1-4 and a half hours it took them to get in. The guy who accidentally ran over my heel at Trader Joe's this evening (I shopped my way home to maximize the air conditioning of others), apologized profusely, and I told him it was ok at least 6 times.
And then I got in, unpacked groceries, turned on a/c, and sat down in the bathtub with only cold water running. Definitely a night for shrimp spring rolls and ice cream for dinner.
Labels: lessons
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Shuesday: One is silver

The fashion world is, also natch, well into fall, and I adore the snub toes on these D&G pumps.
Labels: shuesday
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Le weekend: le mini-break, part one

Hmmm. So presumably a real vacation doesn't include one's parents. I'm not sure whether or not it includes one's relatives of any kind ...
OK, that's just depressing. Let's stipulate that an actual vacation does not include non-nuclear family members, or job interviews. I insist, however, in the interests of you not being forced to watch me open a vein on my delicate white wrist, that one can take a holiday in one's own environs.
Right? Especially when you live in Gotham?
You know what? That's a post in itself. You're going to have to wait for it. (mwahaha!)
(Also, ahem, mwahaha made the Urban Dictionary?)
Labels: culture, random musings
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Holes in the space-time continuum
My sense is that we all know we do it, and that we're all OK with it, I just want you to know.
(And not that I've been fighting to let you go.)
Labels: random musings
Friday, August 03, 2007
Late to the party
If you subscribed to or even occasionally read Sassy, the teen-girl magazine that existed from 1989 to 1996, then that makes you, approximately, a pro-choice registered Democrat who came of age listening to alternative rock. You grew up on R.E.M., the Smiths, the Cure, Throwing Muses, Sonic Youth, Liz Phair, Hole, Bikini Kill, PJ Harvey, My So-Called Life, and John Hughes. Your romantic ideals were forged by repeated viewings of Dead Poets Society, Say Anything, and Morrissey riding around on a tractor in the middle of winter for the “Suedehead” video. You published a zine or bought zines, issued seven-inch singles or bought seven-inch singles. You were probably a high-achieving malcontent, a wearer of black in high school who became a thrift-store-haunting feminist theorist in college. If you were going to get married at all, you were going to marry an enlightened, sensitive man who washed dishes, and you'd do it for enlightened, egalitarian love—not money! Or else you were going to, or did, come out proudly as a lesbian, or you took up with members of both sexes and didn't feel guilty. You were under the impression that the girls who came after you would never have to shave their legs.
How Sassy (Should Have) Changed My Life [n+1]
Labels: culture
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Shuesday: Bonus WSJ edition!
"High heels indicate power," says Stuart Weitzman, designer of many a power heel. "For some reason, it's a natural instinct for human beings."Naturally, the podiatrist they interviewed is a fan of Birkenstocks, calling them, "beautiful."This is partly a factor of height. At 5'9½ in bare feet, a pair of heels leaves Kristin Bentz, who runs a fashion-investment blog, towering over many men in a room. "I totally use the shoes for the intimidation factor -- for women and for men," she says.
Yet, as much as I'd like to argue that this is all about the added height, I'm afraid it's not. High heels are sexy. They offer an inherent contradiction: They make us more fragile, but conquering them to stride alongside men in their sensible flats creates mystique.
Heelpolitick: The Power of the Stilleto [WSJ]