Oh, the Places You'll Go: DC

There was a rally in DC on Tuesday, and who doesn't want to be in a swamp on a lovely June day when it's 95 degrees with 80% humidity? I donned my indestructible skirt, comfy flip flops (hey, I wasn't going to the White House), my sun hat, and several layers on top to deal with anticipated temperature extremes. I boarded a bus at Union Square at 5 am (you heard me) and rode to the nation's capitol with a crowd of rabble rousers. Fortunately, they let me sleep most of the way down, and even more fortunately, there was a Starbucks at the rest stop in Delaware.
The rally was fun, and well attended, but when Josh Lyman tore himself away from his hearings (and the Rhode Island delegation), and mentioned oysters, I decided I'd done more than enough for an unwanted immigrant. We were off to Johnny's Half Shell for a late, languorous and luxurious lunch. Oysters, of course, and barbequed shrimp with asiago cheese grits. With a few glasses of white, it was perfect. Josh went back to saving this country from itself, and I met two co-workers for a short stroll through parts of the National Gallery. We were just exhausted after the first hour, so returned to Johnny's for a pre-bus ride cocktail, and had the distinct pleasure of hissing at Ann Coulter, taping Hardball just outside.
Back on the buses, y'all and home to bed, many many hours later. I was frankly exhausted, which resulted in a snappy retort to the idiot who commented that it was probably too dark for a hat as I crossed Union Square on my way home at midnight, in lieu of my usual /ignore the imbecile/ policy.
Labels: expatriotic, travel