Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Oh the Places You'll Go: The Jersey Shore

There's nothing like packing it up at the end of a Friday and hopping the train to the burbs for an evening spent sipping cocktails and wine, occasionally tending to the BBQ, and discussing politics with someone who's truly on the other side, but makes intelligent and reasonable arguments for less government across the board.

We awoke early the next morning (a friend received an email at an ungodly hour and exclaimed, /what have you done with the real FG?! The FG I know is never up at this hour on a weekend!/), procured coffee and decent bagels, and hit the road for Spring Lake. An early departure makes for an almost traffic free trip and prime location scouting on arrival. As you can see, we were among the earliest to arrive.

And then we sat in the sun. There was reading, there was rolling over, there was listening to the iPod. There were occasional trips into the Atlantic Ocean, followed by liberal (but imperfect) re-application of sunscreen before returning to the chair/towel for further relaxation.

We headed home mid-afternoon for a manicure-pedicure session (the ladies were a little surprised at our appearance until we explained we'd come straight from the beach), and another evening of excellent wine, food and conversation. The next morning I slept in, then caught the train back to Town mid afternoon. As much as I love the luxury a back-yard affords, I'm committed to the city life for now. Because you can always visit someone else's and you never have to mow.

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