Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Shuesday: Tory, Tory, Tory

Yes, she's fantastic (although the whole /Lucite/ shoe thing is not good for real women who exist at temperatures above 60F), but these are cute, and I love the combination of silver and taupe.

Busty Satan is right, of course, noting in "Living Ghosts" that accessories and restaurants pale in comparison to the devastation this country is wreaking on the country of Iraq, its peoples, and on 25,830 US soldiers (officially), and how easy the media and the government have made it for us to forget and ignore. She's right, of course. I watch "In Memoriam" on This Week regularly, reading the names of the dead, and work for an organization that is taking the long and arduous path to right this ship, the USA, from its current jib.

This blog is an outlet for my sillier side, although I think outrage occasionally peeps through. It's not enough, and I don't know what more to say, but I hear you, BS.



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