Everyone's in therapy

(Of course, part two of The Purge will no doubt start soon ... because there are things that just won't work here. Sadface.)
Labels: shopping
Labels: shopping
Labels: random musings
Labels: culture, la dernière mode
Dear Manolo
I’m 5’11” and have always been told I am too tall to wear the high heels. Now, at 40 years of age, I am feeling confident about wearing them. Could you please tell me how high is too high a heel?
Manolo says, this question about the tall shoes for the tall girls is one that the Manolo must answer at the least once every six months, for no matter how many times the Manolo says it is okay to wear the heels, the tall girls still write to ask the permission.
In this case, the Manolo gives the same advice to all of the super fantastic girls—tall, short, thin, stout. Stop slumping, stand erect, throw back the shoulders, and wear the heels. Nothing is more appealing than the good posture and the self-confidence.
If you are the tall girl in the heels, do not be afraid if many insecure men will now quail before your majestic Statue-of-Liberty-like beauty. Sooner or later you shall meet your heroic Colussus of Rhodes, one who will properly appreciate your fierce femininity. Together, you shall make beautiful clanging bronze music.
How high the heel? The Manolo answers, how high the moon?
Labels: fabulous
Labels: neighbourhoodies
Labels: shuesday
Labels: random musings, shopping
Labels: random musings
“Anything individuals can do to reduce their overall environmental footprint can make a difference.” Joshua Houdek, 32, and Kristi Papenfuss, 35, are planning a “zero waste” wedding for 250 guests in August. It will take place on a farm and include compostable plates and utensils, organic and fair trade-certified food, locally brewed beer and organic wine and wedding rings that are “100 percent reclaimed, recycled, ecologically responsible gold,” said Mr. Houdek, who works as a Sierra Club organizer in Minneapolis.
Labels: the ante
Labels: culture
Labels: fabulous, neighbourhoodies
Labels: neighbourhoodies
...while there is no precise parallel (many of the candidates like to jabber, but Biden is in a category by himself), the comparable moves would be as follows:Hillary Clinton saying on the first day, "I would look to Bill constantly."
Barack Obama saying on the first day. . . exactly what Biden said, but in the first person.
John Edwards saying on the first day, "Not having a real job anymore means I have the time to do this right."
John McCain saying on the first day, "The way forward on Iraq starts with Iran and ends with North Korea."
Mitt Romney saying on the first day, " No, I won't take my orders from Joseph Smith — they'll come direct from the Angel Moroni."
Rudy Giuliani saying on the first day, "A man's personal life and character has nothing to do with the job of the Presidency."
Chris Dodd saying on the first day, "Just like Joey Liebs, I. . . "
Tommy Thompson saying on the first day: "Working for the president was satisfying, even though he didn't know my name and the press forgot I was still there. But I loved having a driver. HE knew my name. Oh, yessir!"
Mike Huckabee saying on the first day, "As soon as I get the big chair, I'll be able to eat whatever I want. State dinner equals all-you-can-eat buffet."
Tom Vilsack saying on the first day, "I LOVE these jokers who jet in wearing L.L. Bean crap and think they know what it means to be a Hawkeye."
Wes Clark saying on the first day, "If you liked General Haig, you'll REALLY salute General Clark."
Sam Brownback saying on the first day, "The new 11th commandment is, 'Vote for the REAL Republican — me.' "
Newt Gingrich saying on the first day, "I can no longer deny the nation my brilliance. Electnewt.com. Deal with it!"
Bill Richardson saying on the first day, "This isn't about ego."
Jim Gilmore saying on the first day, "We'll bring back the Confederacy, but we'll call it a 'free trade zone.'"
Dennis Kucinich saying on the first day, "I'm in it to win it."
Labels: indecision
Statistics on a Pentagon Web site have been reorganized in a way that lowers the published totals of American nonfatal casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.Dr. Michael Kilpatrick, deputy director of force health protection and readiness at the Defense Department, said the previous method of tallying casualties was misleading and might have made injuries and combat wounds seem worse and more numerous than they really were.
The old method lumped many problems under the label “casualties,” including illnesses, minor injuries and injuries from accidents, as well as wounds sustained in combat. But the public may assume that every casualty is a war wound, Dr. Kilpatrick said, so the site was changed to avoid misunderstandings.
Labels: indecision
Once upon a time, you made couture gowns for Barbie with toilet paper. Well, not anymore. Zac Posen’s new toy has your favorite plastic fashion plate in a designer original, with lush red hair inspired by Zac’s sister Alexandra. Even better—instead of Ken, this doll comes with its own plastic Zac, plus a handbag, shoes, and the Posen studio puppy, Tina. Of course, this Barbie costs more than her mass-market sisters, but with a stamp of approval from Vogue, that’s to be expected.$300 at F.A.O. Schwartz, 767 Fifth Ave., at 58th St.; 212-644-9400.
Labels: culture