Can't take our eyes off of you

Was it really that slow a news day?
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The gradations of osculation include the soul kiss, also called the French kiss, in which the tongue is inserted into the partner's mouth (leading to the term tonsil hockey). There is also the butterfly kiss, seductively fluttering the eyelashes against the partner's cheek; the upside-down kiss, which should be self-explanatory; the passionate neck nuzzle, resulting in a bruise called a ''hickey'' or ''love bite'' and necessitating the wearing of a scarf for days; the air kiss, often blown by a ''walker,'' in which no physical contact is made; and the enthusiastic, juicy eyesucker, which I used to dutifully receive from my beloved grandma. A big wet kiss, however, is not a real kiss at all. The meaning of the phrase is ''fulsome praise,'' in its precise definition of ''lavish, excessive, immoderate, overweening.'' In its political usage, the attack phase is intended to leave the recipient with a big red hickey.
The St. Jude Educational Institute in Montgomery, Ala., banned one senior from taking part in her graduation because she is pregnant -- but she took part anyway. Alysha Cosby called out her own name and walked across the stage to receive her diploma. The Catholic school had allowed the father of the baby to take part in commencement. The Montgomery Advertiser reports that while some at the graduation didn't appreciate Alysha asserting herself, many of her classmates cheered.
“She sort of defined herself as something of a dipstick, an attractive one, but still a dipstick, with what she's done here today. She is, at the end of the day, going to paint herself as something of a joke,” - Ontario MPP Robert Runciman. Tony Abbott, a Conservative member of the Alberta legislature, described Ms. Stronach as a “political harlot” and called the situation as one of “a little rich girl who is basically whoring herself out to the Liberals.” (Conservative Party Leader) Mr. Harper, meanwhile, told reporters in Montreal: “I've never really noticed complexity to be Belinda's strong point.” Headlines around the country also described Ms. Stronach's announcement as a “blonde bombshell.”
"Senator, I am not now, nor have I ever been, an oil trader. and neither has anyone on my behalf. I have never seen a barrel of oil, owned one, bought one, sold one - and neither has anyone on my behalf.and on and on and on.
"Now I know that standards have slipped in the last few years in Washington, but for a lawyer you are remarkably cavalier with any idea of justice. I am here today but last week you already found me guilty. You traduced my name around the world without ever having asked me a single question, without ever having contacted me, without ever written to me or telephoned me, without any attempt to contact me whatsoever. And you call that justice.
"I was an opponent of Saddam Hussein when British and Americans governments and businessmen were selling him guns and gas. I used to demonstrate outside the Iraqi embassy when British and American officials were going in and doing commerce.
Marissa: I have this really important date with Ryan later and I need it to be perfect. I can't figure out what to wear.
Summer: Please, you could dress as Grimace and stop traffic. Man, I look good in this picture.
M: OK, what do you think? (holding up newly purchased tops)
S: (noticing bruise on M's shoulder) What is that? Coop, what were you doing, playing rugby?
M: Yeah, well, um I just slipped.
S: And fell on your collarbone?
M: Wait, so who is Reid?
S: She's that busty comic book tart that turned Seth into an egomaniac by agreeing to publish his graphic novel, and then threatened to sue Zack if he pulled out of the comic. Oh my God, this is so her fault.
M: What are you talking about?
S: Don't you see? Before she came, there was no scheming, no fighting, the comic book was deader than dead. Ohh. (grabbing her purse & heading for the door)
M: Wait, where are you going?
S: Uh unh, nobody messes with my men but me. Oh, it is ass-kicking time, Coop. Wear the black, he won't know what hit him.
The female orgasm, she said, "is for fun." Dr. Elisabeth A. Lloyd, a philosopher of science and professor of biology at Indiana University, takes on 20 leading theories and finds them wanting. The female orgasm, she argues in the book, "The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution," has no evolutionary function at all. Rather, Dr. Lloyd says the most convincing theory is one put forward in 1979 by Dr. Donald Symons, an anthropologist. That theory holds that female orgasms are simply artifacts - a byproduct of the parallel development of male and female embryos in the first eight or nine weeks of life.
If only it were that simple ...The Gang — which remembers Ronald Reagan palling around with Tip O'Neill, and George H.W. Bush yukking it up with Danny Rostenkowski — wonders why all this can't be settled over a bit of duck l'orange, since . . .
Harry Reid likes and respects Sig Rogich.
Sig Rogich likes and respects Kenny Guinn.
Kenny Guinn likes and respects Marybel Batjer.
Marybel Batjer likes and respects Colin Powell.
Colin Powell likes and respects Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy Giuliani likes and respects Andrew Kirtzman.
Andrew Kirtzman likes and respects Al Sharpton.
Al Sharpton likes and respects Howard Dean.
Howard Dean likes and respects Jim Jordan.
Jim Jordan likes and respects Mitch Bainwol.
And Mitch Bainwol likes and respects Bill Frist.And yet — and yet — Harry Reid and Bill Frist at this point can't solve the filibuster thing, because their far-from-neutral corners won't let them compromise, and this baby (so far) can't be split.
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Labels: shuesday
Call it the Grace Kelly Syndrome. You can even call it the Demi Moore Syndrome. Either way, three is the new two! That critical third child—quite possibly the status symbol of this decade—will get you more Park Avenue cred than a fleet of Bentleys. "The third child screams, ‘My apartment is massive, my S.U.V. is spacious, my cash unlimited!’" (...) the third-child trend is not only driven by a desire to demonstrate richesse, but also by a deranged, Kennedyesque desire to give birth to a clan.
In regions where breast augmentation is most popular, like Southern California, Texas and Florida, the wave of implants is skewing the selection of designer clothes sold at some stores, favoring sizes and styles more ample on top and creating a new market for alterations. Brian Bolke, the owner of a boutique in Dallas, said, "For women who love fashion, breast enlargements and designer dresses do not go together." He estimated more than half his customers have had cosmetic surgery. "... this area is not known for small chests ... women are having dresses completely butchered." After breast augmentation many women say they fill out sweaters and swimwear better, and they get a lot of positive attention, but other clothes no longer look right. "I gave up my wardrobe to show off my breasts," said Tara Fierstatt.
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The Texas dip is the bow debs make when they are individually introduced on stage with their escorts. The move requires hours of practice to master. Joy Burkhart, owner of Joy’s School of Dance, has been teaching the Texas dip to Hedonia debs for more than a decade. She calls the maneuver a doozy. “It’s not easy to extend both arms, cross one leg behind the other and do a deep bend all the way to the floor until your nose grazes the ground,” she said. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the young women are wearing heavy ball gowns and high heels.
Sharron Cutbirth, a Hedonia debutante in the ’70s and the mother of two debs, said the Texas dip makes “quite a statement” on the international deb circuit. Her daughters both made their international debuts in New York City last year. “It’s amazing how spectacular the Texas debs are and how the crowd goes wild when the Texas debs are presented,” she said. “When Catherine and Caroline were presented, they came out in front of a Texas flag, a spotlight hit them and together, completely synchronized, they did the Texas dip, touched the ground with their noses and then turned toward each other. It was a moment in time. My mother even cried.”
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Comedy Central said yesterday that it was giving Mr. Colbert his own show: a half-hour that is expected to follow "The Daily Show" on weeknights and will lampoon those cable-news shows that are dominated by the personality and sensibility of a single host. Think, he said, of Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity.
If I got God on my side, what's a Microsoft? What's a Microsoft? It's nothing.