Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
The play's the thing

We were early, so had time for a drink at the Paramount Hotel, which has seen better days. The lounge downstairs began to hop at 7:15, which meant that my white strawberry cosmo* had a technobeat to contend with. We asked the bartender to turn it down once, and they told us they were testing the sound system. Fifteen minutes later, we asked again, and were told, "That's just the way things are here at this hour." Which is to say, "At this hour, we turn the music up so loud that two adults with intact hearing sitting on a couch next to one another can't have a conversation." We removed ourselves to the lobby, with the apologies of the manager and comp-ed cocktails. We did tip the server.
The play was wonderful. Well written, well staged, and the acting was excellent. Run, don't walk.
Afterwards, we took ourselves to the patio at La Bottega at the Maritime Hotel for further beverages and conversation. The temperature had dropped and the wind picked up, but we had a lovely night.
* strawberry vodka, white cranberry juice, triple sec, strawberry garnish
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Little girls, little girls

Which is to say that the summer interns are here in full force (I'm sure there are male interns too, but I haven't seen any).
A veritable handful of perpendicular girls. Except they're all less than five and a half feet tall and wear adorable strappy little flats on their size 4 feet. They hold absurdly intellectual conversations in the elevator on the way in to work, pre-their morning yerba maté (or my first sip of giant chain store coffee, for that matter), are partial to soup for lunch (sans crackers), wear enormous earrings, and excessive eye make-up for any hour prior to 9 p.m. They travel in packs.
I feel like a WNBA player, sans skills.
Labels: random musings
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cleaning up the White House

Remember this?The Bush administration may be taking some hits lately in the polls, but that doesn't mean it's going to let down its sartorial standards.
So signs have popped up at various White House entrances -- including the press entrance and the staff and visitors' entrance at the southwest gate -- along with e-mails to staff members, to remind everyone, particularly tour groups, that, even in these times of sinking poll numbers, proper attire is to be maintained.
The e-mail reminder was all in capital letters. It advised that there would be no jeans, sneakers, shorts, miniskirts, T-shirts, tank tops and -- with boldface added -- "NO FLIP FLOPS." (Which, of course, is good advice, if rarely followed in this town.)
These prohibitions would be in force "regardless of weather conditions."
It's unclear if there was some particular event that sparked the crackdown. And though it appears directed at tour groups, visitors, staff members and press regulars assume they're included.
And flip-flops have always been verboten. "As you know, this administration has a strong record against flip-flops," said White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore. But Crocs, with or without socks, presumably are okay if you're biking with Bush.
White House Fashion [WP]
Labels: funnies
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Shuesday: Bollywood, baby

In honor of The Scot, who's on a medical education/vacation in India, L'autre chose.
Labels: shuesday
Monday, July 23, 2007
A pox on both your houses

I only barely escaped with my Deathly Hallows purity intact! With friends like these! For shame!
(Note: Entire post written with tongue firmly in cheek.)
Labels: lessons
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The Power Tourist

When I first came to The City, for 48 hours in 2000, I decided it would be impossible to do everything. I spent the better part of one day at the Metropolitan Museum and just enjoyed the rest of New York as it found me. We went for drinks and dinner with friends, walked a lot, had a cocktail at Windows on the World, and another at my uncle's apartment overlooking Tavern on the Green. I knew I loved the city, and I knew I'd be back. The next few times, I visited East Coast Guy, and things were both spontaneous and relaxed, as things can only be when you're staying with a local.
Not so the Power Tourist. She came with a mission, and got what she came for. She spent Friday at the Met and walking through Central Park taking beautiful photos. We met outside the Plaza, and walked 11 blocks to Eatery for dinner, then took the subway back downtown to The Strand, and then home. The next day, we left the apartment late, but still managed to visit Lower Manhattan, Trinity Church (where Alexander Hamilton is buried), Wall Street, Canal Street (where she purchased two handbags), and grabbed the R uptown to stand in line for 90 minutes for half price tickets to Grey Gardens (totally worth it). We walked to St Patrick's Cathedral (where we watched a wedding processional - fun!), and then to Rockefeller Plaza. Back to the theatre district for an early dinner at Lattanzi, and then went to the theatre. The show was fantastic - Christine Ebersole almost brought me to tears.

We met up again after the theatre (where she got autographs and photos of the stars), took the subway down to Greenwich village for Thai food, and then wandered home through Washington Square Park (she's not very good at wandering). It was an early night.
The following morning, I headed to the office for a few hours of work, and the Tourist went back to The Strand and wended her way uptown again to 42nd Street. She walked from Times square to Central Park, where she encountered John Travolta being interviewed lakeside. She took a few photos (see above) and got his autograph too. She went to the Met to purchase a pop-up book for a friend, and walked back to the East Village from 86th Street. We packed her up, put her in a cab, and off she went.
And off I went to an evening of manicures and white wine by the bottle. Because I deserved it.
Previously: I have seen the future
Labels: neighbourhoodies, random musings
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yes, I have one.

But please, people:
Due to the unprecedented demand for I’m Not A Plastic Bag in South East Asia and our concerns for our customers safety we will be cancelling the launches at the following stores: Anya Hindmarch Beijing, On Pedder in Shanghai and On Pedder in Jakarta.
Of course, I wasn't the one doing the standing ...
(BS, hope this isn't verging into Weekly Baggage ...)
Anya Hindmarch
Labels: fabulous
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Shuesday: Flatter me

Not that I own a pair yet ...
Labels: shuesday
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Matchmaker, matchmaker
Petr and Fatima arrive as a wedding is about to begin. Women are busy making traditional Kyrgyz bread for the occasion, and men sit in chairs outside, talking and sipping tea. The groom confesses he has had some difficulty finding a bride, but he is hopeful that "this one will stay."
When the bride does arrive, she is dragged into the groom's house, struggling and crying. Her name is Norkuz, and it turns out she has been kidnapped from her home about a mile away.
As the women of the groom's family surround Norkuz and hold down both of her hands, they are at once forceful and comforting, informing her that they, too, were kidnapped. The kidnappers insist that they negotiated the abduction with Norkuz's brother, but her sister, a lawyer from Osh, arrives to protest that her sister is being forced to marry a stranger. Ideally in Kyrgyz circles, a bride's family gets a price for their daughter, but Norkuz is 25 -- considered late to marry -- and the women remind her she is lucky she was kidnapped at all.
Apparently it all works out in the end for this couple, but not for everyone:
The family has hired a taxi to drive Jumankul to Osh where he and his friends plan to find and kidnap the girl he has seen at a bazaar. But when they get to Osh, Jumankul can't find the girl. The group drops by a vodka stand to try to find out where she lives, but the girl working there suspects a kidnapping and refuses to tell Jumankul's brother, Ulan, the address of the girl. "Find it yourself," she tells him.The Kidnapped Bride [Frontline World]Not wanting to return home empty-handed, Jumankul and his friends decide to change plans and kidnap the girl in the vodka bar.
Her name is Ainagul, and by the time Petr and Fatima return to Jumankul's village outside of Osh, she has been resisting a room full of women for more than ten hours. Though Jumankul's older brother claims her family has already agreed to the kidnapping, Ainagul stands in a corner of the room, crying, and continuing to fend off the women who take turns trying to put the wedding scarf on her head.
But Ainagul puts up a strong fight, and the women tire of trying to convince her. After the oldest woman in the village makes a final attempt, telling Ainagul to stay or she will be unhappy, the women give up. Her ordeal over, Ainagul is free to go.
Once she has left, the women sit outside Jumankul's home and curse the departed girl. They say that her child will be a drunk and that her mother-in-law will be cruel. Jumankul, too, is upset and worries that he will never find a bride who will stay
Labels: culture
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Shuesday: She that strives to touch the stars

Plus, raffia shoes - so fun!
Labels: shuesday
Monday, July 09, 2007
Wife goes on

I'm not saying it was ground breaking television, but it was damn funny. Mostly due to Debra Messing's comedic timing, and who doesn't love Judy Davis. Like chick lit for your tv, without having to pretend that you could be reading Anna Karenina or something worthwhile.
And great with a cocktail and a fresh pedicure.
Labels: culture, ladies - all the ladies
Friday, July 06, 2007
At the twilight's last gleaming

Then I hit the N train to Astoria to visit the infamous Bohemian Beer Garden, drink tequila, and watch the fireworks. They were really good - I was suitably impressed.
Although drinking and then standing on an on-ramp might not be the best idea.
Labels: expatriotic, neighbourhoodies
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
O'er the land of the free

The other one, silly.
Bush Spares Libby 30-Month Jail Term [NYT]
Labels: expatriotic
Sunday, July 01, 2007

So the question is, who do you want at your tribute concert?
I'm thinking, in order to accurately reflect my life, the following would be among the performers:
- Sarah McLachlan
- The Tragically Hip
- Feist
- Ani DiFranco
- Guster
Labels: ladies - all the ladies, random musings