Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Urban Etiquette

New York mag has published an Urban Etiquette guide (it's OK, the same rules apply if you're not in NYC, just skip over the part about subways) and it is hilarious. Exerpts:

How do you tell someone he's been mispronouncing your name for three months?
Tell him a story in which you use your own name, clearly enunciating where he’s got it wrong. For example, if you were Ralph Fiennes, you’d say, “I called him and said, ‘Hi, this is Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe Fines.’”

What’s the best way to split the check in a group?
At a group meal, an equal split should be the baseline expectation: It falls to those who ordered more-expensive dishes to offer to pay more, not to others to pay less. Failure to partake in the appetizers or the wine can be cited as a reason to cut one’s contribution only if there was some socially sanctioned reason for declining (veganism, Islam, pregnancy). If you just got the soup and you don’t think that’s fair, well, think about whether it’s “fair” to make your friends eat dinner with a buzz-killing cheapskate.

The one that gets me, and is not addressed here, is those damn people who barge into the elevator before letting those in the elevator off. Same goes for the bus. It's not like you're that desperate to get to work.


  • Vegetarians will agree that a straight split of the bill is out of the question. Honestly, how can you people afford to go out and eat meat (or fish)? So expensive! Of course, until recently eating out veg meant a whole lot of fettucini alfredo.

    Oh, and I am so with you on the elevator and bus bargers. Banish them to the countryside!

    Sending the link home, so I remember to read the whole thing. From the photo, I am *blush* guilty of numbers 1 and 4. But in my defense, it's summer!!!!

    By Blogger camarooned, at 4:33 PM  

  • If only the vegetarians would out-drink the meat-eaters. Oh, wait ...

    I cannot comment on numbers 1 & 4. Although I made premature, unanticipated eye contact with a very attractive fellow driver over the weekend ... and then didn't know where to go from there.

    By Blogger fabulous girl, at 9:10 PM  

  • Oh MAN, I'd be guilty of number 6, if only I had a dog.

    And maybe I ogle *men* with my eyes...is that wrong?

    By Blogger UW Nutrition, at 11:43 PM  

  • After reading the article, it seems I am not really guilty of 1 & 4 after all. I definitely fall within the acceptable 2-second limit. Phew!

    By Blogger camarooned, at 10:28 AM  

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