Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eight Things: Part 2

Eight things I say often:

1) Often (with a /t/)
2) Ahem
3) This is what I'm saying
4) /I know!/
5) That's not the point*
6) I understand that this database is really good at (X), but what I need it to do is (Y)
7) That's just how I spell/pronounce it
8) Dirty Sapphire martini with extra olives, please**

Eight books I have read lately

1) The New Yorker ^
2) The Emperor's Children#
3) A Whistling Woman#
4) Curry#
5) The Time Traveler's Wife
6) The Namesake
7) The Year of Magical Thinking
8) Snow

*even when it /so/ is ...
** amended to add /straight up and dry/, except that feels /so/ like ordering a half caff, no whip, two percent, extra-hot, with room latte ...
^let's be clear that I'm only a week behind, at the moment.
# books I am technically currently reading



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