Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Does anyone else need the First Amendment, cause we're not using it ...

So apparently high school students don't think the first amendment is important, in that they're OK with government censorship of newspapers, and aren't aware that they're free to burn the red, white & blue. Apparently this is the fault of teachers, who aren't doing their jobs (again) in impressing the importance of the founding principles of the nation which holds itself out as a beacon of liberty and freedom for all. Couldn't possibly be the actions of the government, here and in its burgeoning colonies, the Administration's disdain of the media, and the acquiescence of the fourth estate to the time out room it's been sent to.

Coincidentally (?) there's a furor brewing at Hamilton College over a planned appearance by Professor Ward Churchill, an expert in American Indian activism who'd made offensive remarks about those who died on 9/11. Not surprisingly, Prof. Churchill won't be speaking at the college, as they've been inundated with 6,000 angry emails and at least one person called and threatened to bring a gun to campus. Because people should clearly be shot for expressing their beliefs if they contradict those of the majority, as bombing women's health clinics is an appropriate way to preserving "life." Where does the government and its supporters get the unmitigated gall to visit US hypocrisy and selective values on other countries under an amorphous and heavily edited Bill of Rights? Where? Grr.


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