Things to do in Albuquerque when you're ...
... I don't really know what comes after that (alive? ailing? alliterative?), but it seemed like a good idea at the time. In the big AQ this weekend, I learned:
- that New Mexico is the second poorest state in the nation;
- that an open bar at every event doesn't make up for bad, recycled food;
- that an open bar at every event makes for most amusing people-watching, although it can also exacerbate carefully controlled tendencies to be bitchy;
- that most people can't pull off turquoise jewelry unless they're indigenous or from Dallas;
- that the tragedy of five days of meetings is when you meet your favourite people of the event on the last night; and,
- that one should pack a humidifier when one spends time in the Southwest, where the air is dry even when it's raining.
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