Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Chatter chatter chatter

Well, we bought it, again.

Whither goest thou, PBS?

The chattering classes rise up!

I'm shocked that it took Bush seven minutes to collect his thoughts on 9/11 - does he have that many?
Equal marriage is too important for judges to decide? You've got to be kidding me. That's why we HAVE judges!

Why does he keep smirking? Iraq, stem cell research, equal marriage, the campaign, all smiles. Must be easy to throw every decision based on the black and white of "does this promote a "culture of life"?" I'll take nuance, thanks.

btw, for those of you missing my style notes, I WISH Laura & Larry had got together to discuss what each other would be wearing during the interview. Do we really need to see two people in lavender on CNN at one time? Maybe it's code ...


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