Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

My "Daily" moment of Zen

I would go anywhere with Jon Stewart. Anywhere. Anytime. I would walk, in the shoes I had on at the time (and you know what those can be like), without sunglasses or lipgloss, up and down all the hills and across the bridges on a windy day from my house to my office at high noon if Jon was with me. Don't give me your Steven Colberts or your Rob Corddrys. (besides, I don't think I can take the good senator in a fist fight - at least not in aforementioned shoes - plus the whold concept of women fighting over men is beneath us). I want JON.
Thank you to Jon Stewart for finding the needle in the haystack of Bush's recent speeches, the use of the phrase "turning the corner" TWENTY THREE times in FIVE speeches.

moment to ponder that.

Maybe they think, if they just keep saying it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, we'll believe it? Seems to be Tom Ridge's plan. Or maybe he can't remember very many new phrases, so they have to get him to repeat and repeat one until he gets it, and then he can move on to the next one - remember "America is safer" two weeks ago?

Nice response, John.


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