Oh the Places You'll Go: London (again)
This time, we and had more time in the city proper. So:
Caught a plane in the early evening, took the train in from Standstead, checked in to our hotel just around the corner from St. Paul's Cathedral, and grabbed a late dinner at Yo! Sushi - one of the places where the sushi goes round and round past the diners. I also ordered the Spicy Seafood Udon, which was fantastic. Hit the hay early in preparation for a busy Friday.
I got up early, for me, (which was a good thing, because Blackfriars Station is closed until 2012). Anyway, I made it to The Dress Shop in Belgravia and tried on The Dress (again). Then it was back across to The City to meet with a recruiter near the Lloyds of London building. Lunched at Mother Mash - how could I skip pie in London? - and then hopped back on the Tube to Mayfair, via Oxford Street. I was then right on time to meet Mme. Connected for tea at the Connaught Hotel. There was a live harpist in the tea room - it was /something/.
Back to the hotel to switch from my suit into something more comfortable, and off to a pub to meet the Finance Posse for a little more beer than was absolutely necessary, and then to a curry in Brick Lane at Nazrul. Not the best curry I've had in the UK - so far those have been at Indian Calvalry Club and The Raj (both in EDI), but I'm optimistic. Our fellow diners were more inebriated and raucous than we - I'm talking singing at the top of their lungs at 11:30 pm in a crowded restaurant - but we enjoyed ourselves all the same.
Saturday morning we hit Selfridges - we behaved ourselves quite well - and then walked down Bond Street - away from the mad, mad shoppers - for a family lunch. Then a quick trip to the V&A to see the fashion exhibit before we dashed back to the train station (missing the train we really needed to catch) and flew through security, fortunately catching our QueasyJet home.
Those sushi places scare me. THE PRESSURE OF TRYING TO CATCH MY DINNER! I can't take it!
WendyB, at 5:39 PM
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