Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 in sentences

Again, the first lines from each month of the last year.

January: I know this is delayed, but the holidays, NY Eve ... you understand, don't you my darlings? (I love it when the first day of the year is a Shuesday, don't you?)

February: Couldn't put it better than WendyB (again!)

March: As you're no doubt already aware, The Scot visited the FG for a few days in February.

April: Yes, I still pay my bills the old fashioned way, with handwritten cheques and stamps and all that jazz.

May: Showmance: When actors engage in a romance for the run of a show. Once the run is over so is the romance.

June: A master left us today, too soon. (Yves Saint Laurent)

July: I'm so out of here. Prada

August: Got a secret. Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save. Better lock it, in your pocket.
Taking this one to the grave

September: I'm taking it a little easy this weekend.

October: I know, I know. But isn't it amazing how colour and font make something so beautiful almost menacing?

November: Satan made me do it Busty Satan, that is.

December: Tis the season when the shopping guides come calling, and this year, the "Under $100" category's going to wear itself out.




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