Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Sometimes we're really just all talk. I'll go back to school/take that art-cooking-writing class/save money/backpack the Himalayas, etc etc and so forth.

And then there are the times when it suddenly hit you squarely between the eyes - there's a chance you'll actually get what you want.

It can scare you to death.

Stop, breathe, recognize and celebrate the shopping opportunities it provides. Take heart in the fact that you already have the shoes. Breathe again. Listen to your favourite music, turn off the phone, do whatever you do on a normal relaxing evening at home. Go to bed early, sleep in a little, and go on with life. But start the list of things that must be done.

And take your own advice already!


  • Exactly.

    Oh FG, I understand, I really, really do!

    By Blogger BS, at 7:22 PM  

  • Oh, we so have to talk.

    The good news is that I have something to wear. And you should see the shoes!

    By Blogger fabulous girl, at 11:11 PM  

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