Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Power of One

Tonight, three only children took the trivia crown. We averaged 10 correct answers apiece. In the Puppets category, Sarah predicted the question about the two old guys in the balcony on The Muppet Show, to which I knew the answer. Shockingly, we went 5 for 5 on Chemistry. Celebrity anagrams were challenging - we went 4 for 5, but no one cares about that actress anyway. Being a voice is not the same as being an onscreen actress, and she's so 1990's.

Post trivia, flush with our win, meta-conversation ensured. As only children, would we choose to have only children ourselves, or would we insist on having many? (All other things being equal, and many indicating more than one - the Cookie Monster's on course to rename those with siblings.) And there were three separate opinions. One was pro perpetuating the only child population, one was in favour of many children, and one would be fine with one, but would be willing to have two.


  • Congratulations!

    And my vote, as a fellow only child: many children (where many = 2).

    By Blogger UW Nutrition, at 6:33 AM  

  • You were missed. And why 2?

    By Blogger fabulous girl, at 9:39 AM  

  • For the record this only child is still undecided. And it will depend on whether or not I have enough money to support more than one.

    By Blogger BS, at 2:50 PM  

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