Cause-metics et al: Caveat Emptor
Before you go out and buy anything & everything festooned with pink ribbons in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, do your homework (or read this article - the NYT Style section people have done some of it for you.)
The FG finds it a little hard to believe that every month isn't breast cancer awareness month - if you don't know anyone who has it, or has had it, or who has a family member who has, you're living in a more circumscribed world that anyone I know. But it doesn't hurt to crank up the volume every now and again.
The FG finds it a little hard to believe that every month isn't breast cancer awareness month - if you don't know anyone who has it, or has had it, or who has a family member who has, you're living in a more circumscribed world that anyone I know. But it doesn't hurt to crank up the volume every now and again.
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