Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

By the Numbers

Kos links to the Democratic Policy Committee site, which you may find useful when you need a statistic to throw into your next anti-administration argument at cocktail hour. 'Highlights' include:

Approximate amount appropriated by Congress for Iraq operations so far: $218 billion
Approximate amount spent by the U.S. in World War I: $205 billion
Number of U.S. service members killed in Iraq: 1,886
Number reported wounded by the Defense Department: 14,265
Number of National Guard soldiers killed in Iraq through August 27, 2005: 269
Number of National Guard soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War: 97
Number of terrorist suspects the Bush Administration claims have been convicted since September 11, 2001: 200
Number that have actually been convicted: 39


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