Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Now that it's official, I'm letting you in on the latest. Your FG is moving to Scotland at the end of October!
Yes, I'll miss New York - the people, the food, the people, the overwhelming opportunities to do almost anything at any time of the day or night, the shopping, the people, the museums, the people. Did I mention the people?
Yes, it rains there all the time, but not as much as it could.* Yes, it is populated by Scots, a slightly more dour version of the English, but also, one suspects, warmer and heartier once you get through their reserve. Like Maritimers, yes? I adore the ones I've met here, and suspect the renowned Canadian sense of humour was somehow passed along genetically from our Scottish ancestors.
Yes, the television will be completely different - one suspects fewer award shows and more murder mysteries. Yes, I expect to do a lot of reading (which will no doubt be very good for me, based on recent propensity to sit on couch watching TV until the wee small hours of the morning). Yes, the fashion is going to be mad, and yes, I will keep you posted. Yes, I have a lot to do in the next six weeks. Yes, I will miss you, yes, I will be keeping the blog going. And yes, I will take lots and lots and lots of pictures.
No, not all the food there is deep fried, in fact, I had the best oysters on the half shell I've ever had there earlier this summer. They also have lovely cheeses, and have I mentioned my oatcake addiction?
No, I will not start wearing plaid all the time (more about that later), and am hoping not to pick up too much of an accent, whilst shedding the Americanisms that have crept into my normal speaking voice. No, I don't have a job yet; once I find an apartment and my stuff arrives (6-9 weeks), I'll be job hunting. No, I won't be there forever, the plan is 3-5 years and then back to the shores of my home and native land - although I'm aware that those sorts of long term plans sometimes find themselves derailed over time.
It's been almost exactly thirteen years since I moved to the States, and fourteen since I really left the GTA. The good news is that I've been lucky enough to keep my closest friends close, wherever they live, and wherever I live, and I plan to keep it up from the other side of the Atlantic. I miss home, even if I visit 2-3 times a year, but I'm thrilled at the chance to live in another country, an old, old country, for a change. I'm looking forward to living in a place that considers 1776 recent history, and which is so close to Europe, with all the treasures of its history, art, and culture. I hope I have always appreciated the idealism on which the States was built, its youth, and its tremendous potential. Even when I've been occasionally cranky.
So now you know, and can start planning your visit. I promise to keep you posted.
*I'm very pleased to say they average 10 inches less per year than Seattle, which I endured for four years, so I know it's survivable. Notice I didn't say it would be great for my hair.
Here's to new, exciting beginnings! Congrats! \(^_^)/
Rainster, at 10:27 PM
Hi, how exciting! Here's for the moment when the logistics of moving are over and the fun of moving can begin.
If you want, let me know when you arrive in the UK. I'm in Keele (near Manchester) until the first week of December.
All the best,
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM
Congratulations! I'm going to come visit you and enjoy some haggis pizza. (Really!)
WendyB, at 7:17 AM
What fun! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Mary Robinette Kowal, at 2:39 PM
I just clapped my hands very quickly and bounced up and down in my chair. Really.
So exciting! (And I've been looking for an excuse to visit Scotland for years!)
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
The guest room will be ready and waiting January 1. I'm sure we'll have an online reservation system set up in no time.
fabulous girl, at 8:06 PM
sounds like fun! congrats! and your hair will look lovely - you may just embrace the curls more often. :)
Andrea, at 9:35 AM
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