Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Sunrise, Sunset

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Before Sunrise: Julie Delpy is luminous as Celine. Cheekbones aside, Ethan Hawke does a credible Jesse, a young, insecure American. Watching their emotional connection translate itself into the physical is endearing, particularly as they desperately plan a next meeting before the train pulls them apart. Fav quote:
Jesse: So I'm just a dumb American momentarily decorating your blank canvas.

Before Sunset: Delpy still luminous. although she seems a bit fragile. EH looks the worse for wear - he's far more charming in his puppy dog days of the first movie, now he just looks like a wolf, especially when he bares his teeth. In the first film, there's a moment early on when Jesse reaches to tuck Celine's hair beind her ear and then stops himself, and it is echoed by Celine in the second film. Lovely. Two quotes:
Jesse: I feel like I'm running a small nursery with someone I used to date.
Celine: You know, maybe we're - we're only good at brief encounters, walking around in European cities in warm climate.


  • Everybody I know tells me I'd enjoy "Before Sunrise". Ethan Hawke aside (I'm NOT a fan), it sounds worth a viewing....

    By Blogger Rainster, at 12:12 PM  

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