Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Samurai Shopper

I discovered the Samurai Shopper at the NY Times recently, and I'm featuring him/her here because, really, anyone who gives an award to q-tips deserves at least 15 seconds in the Boudoir.
Welcome to awards season, when everything unreal and unimportant in showbiz is celebrated, digested and parsed with bloated, brainlessly baroque observations of no import whatsoever. The Samurai Shopper, as usual, is throwing her hat into the fluttering mists of fatuity to honor her own superstars: those beauty products that may or may not grace the faces of telegenic Golden Globers, Grammy-grabbers and the unfortunately named S.A.G. nominees. I’ll deploy the same sentimental, indulgent, politically circumspect judgment in awarding my prizes as the Hollywood corps does with theirs.
NY Times



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