Fabulous Girl's Boudoir

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

"I would vote for Howdy Doody ..."

... if I thought it would keep my boys home and safe." Beverly, Republican

GREAT note at Daily Kos about Republican parents with draft-age sons voting Democratic because Kerry's plan for Iraq involves working with the UN to diversify the troops and share the burden of reconstruction ...

while I'm sympathetic and would be sending any draft-age kids I had to a university in Canada, I also think that this is really an American mess, and it's hardly fair to replace Americans, half of whom voted for the current Commander-in-Chief, with Bangladeshi, Indonesian, Uruguayan and Ghanian troops ... I'm assuming they wouldn't send Indian or Pakistani troops into this one, but what do I know ... just seems like people need to take responsibility for and clean-up their own damn mistakes.



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